On Thursday, November 21, some 200 colleagues from the five Flemish universities gathered in Museum M in Leuven for the annual TTO Flanders event. They attended a full day of keynotes, workshops and a panel debate on 'compliance': a topic that is becoming increasingly relevant to the daily activities of our technology transfer offices.
Doing the right thing. And when innovating, also doing things right. This is a way to approach the topic of ‘compliance’, or in other words: the landscape of rules and procedures that we navigate every day in technology transfer, when we bring innovations created at our universities to the market and society.
After all, a university is the place par excellence where new knowledge and technologies can emerge in an ethical, correct way. The legal requirements and checklists we face in tech transfer are merely the practical translation of that ambition.
Exactly that insight was further explored on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024, during the annual TTO Flanders event for colleagues from the five Flemish technology transfer offices, joined by their fellow business developers from the Industrial Research Fund (IOF).
The event took place in Leuven, against the inspiring backdrop of Museum M. Despite the first biting frost of the year, some 200 participants attended the event. Together they made it a fascinating day filled with keynotes, workshops, a panel discussion and plenty of networking opportunities.
See below for some pictures of this day!