
‘A world of difference’: a new brochure compiles success stories

Success story

What do an amazing fungus, purifying hemp and smart lenses have in common? They are innovations created at our five Flemish universities that improve society. The technology transfer offices at KU Leuven, Ghent University, the University of Antwerp, VUB and Hasselt University gathered these success stories – together with 22 other examples – in a new brochure. 

Making a world of difference with the excellent research that takes place at the five Flemish universities. That is what we as technology transfer offices want to achieve, by contributing to the transfer of knowledge and technology from university to society.

The tangible results that delivers? Our new brochure lists a selection! We compiled 25 striking examples of what research valorisation can look like in the areas of ‘Food & Agriculture’, ‘Health’, ‘Energy & Sustainability’, ‘Digitalisation & Technology’ and ‘Society’.

The cases stem from project-based or structural partnerships between universities and industry, from research commissioned by industry and governments, or from a transfer of research results via licenses and spin-offs. An infographic at the end of the brochure sums up several key facts and figures on successful tech transfer in Flanders.

The brochure is available in both English and Dutch.

Enjoy the read!

Read the brochure

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