Materials & Chemistry

Materials & Chemistry

Innovation in materials and chemistry is revolutionizing industries. Cutting-edge research and breakthroughs are driving advancements in manufacturing, sustainability, and product development.

Nathalie Meyer

Integrated Sustainable Chemistry Antwerp (InSusChem)

InSusChem is an IOF valorization consortium of University of Antwerp which connects chemists, engineers, economic and environmental oriented researchers in an integrated team of 15 professors and their research teams. The objective is to maximize impact in key enabling sustainable chemical technologies, materials and reactors that are able to play a crucial role in a sustainable chemistry and economic transition to a circular, resource efficient and carbon neutral economy.

University of Antwerp Nathalie Meyer
Elisabeth Levrau

Quantitative industrial inspection through non-invasive imaging (Q-INSPEX)

The Q-INSPEX technology consortium supports, impels and develops innovative solutions in the field of non-invasive imaging. This way we help companies and organisations worldwide with quantitative inspection by revealing "invisible information".

University of Antwerp Elisabeth Levrau
Marleen Claeys

Separation Technology & Economics and Policy making for sustainable Chemicals production

The VUB multidisciplinary STEP-Chem consortium contributes at accelerating the innovation cycle of sustainable processes for chemical industry, a major challenge to be achieved by 2050 if not earlier in line with the European Green Deal 2030. STEP-Chem (Separation Technology & Economics and Policy making for sustainable Chemicals production) therefore combines the expertise of the Chemical Engineering Department (CHIS) in separation technology and process intensification with the know-how of the Institute for European Studies (IES) on policy-making, economic modelling and in-depth analysis of feedstocks, product streams and chemical processes at the company and sector level, as such serving sustainability in the chemical industry in a holistic way.

VUB Marleen Claeys +32 479 17 47 98
Bart Van Duffel

Ameloot Group

The Ameloot Group is a materials chemistry group that thrives on crossing traditional subject boundaries. It aims to build bridges between the established use of porous materials, as adsorbents and catalysts, and the worlds of microelectronics, diagnostics, and additive manufacturing.


KU Leuven Bart Van Duffel +32 16 19 43 85
Bert Lagrain

Sustainable Catalysis and Engineering (CSCE)

The mission of the CSCE is to produce knowledge to foster a better understanding of the role of heterogeneous catalysis in the upcoming circular and carbon-smart economy. As a group of academics, students and technicians, interested and trained in different disciplines, we are highly committed to search for novel catalysis solutions to drive and enable the sustainable production of chemicals and materials. CSCE research covers the range of fundamental to applied catalysis research, both in chemistry and engineering.


KU Leuven Bert Lagrain +32 16 32 16 27; +32 16 32 16 27
Haifeng Yuan

Molecular Imaging and Photonics

The research teams from the division of Molecular Imaging and Photonics (MIP) aim to develop and implement new spectroscopy and imaging approaches. These developments are by no means the sole objective, however. Instead, new techniques and instrumentation are applied to gain new insights in the function of (bio)molecules and (bio)materials.


KU Leuven Haifeng Yuan +32 16 32 58 93
Helge Pfeiffer

KUL-IA-NDT: Industrial Application of Nondestructive Testing and Material Characterisation @KU Leuven

Research groups from different disciplines in the KU Leuven Association are dedicated to research and valorisation on nondestructive testing and related materials investigation. The KUL-IA-NDT platform offers an opportunity to get an overview on their activities and find a possible partner for further collaboration activities.


KU Leuven Helge Pfeiffer +32 16 32 12 32; +32 16 32 13 14
Peter Tom Jones

KU Leuven Institute for Sustainable Metals and Minerals (SIM²)

SIM² KU Leuven’s mission is to develop, organise and implement problem-driven, science-deep research and future-oriented education, contributing to the environmentally friendly production and recycling of metals, minerals and engineered materials, supporting the transition to a climate-friendly, circular-economy.

SIM² KU Leuven therefore designs, researches and exploits selective and efficient processes for the exploration, extraction, recovery, recycling and refining of (base and critical) metals and minerals, as well as for the upcycling of primary and secondary resources and the re- and demanufacturing of End-of-Life complex metal-containing products.


KU Leuven Peter Tom Jones +32 16 32 12 13; +32 16 32 13 14
Quinten Van Avondt

BlueApp: Pre-Incubator and Open Innovation Hub for Sustainable Chemistry and Materials

BlueApp works on solutions for a carbon-neutral tomorrow by bringing together start-ups, companies and expertise of University of Antwerp. They enable startups to develop, upscale and demonstrate promising technologies by offering space, academic knowhow and services. BlueApp helps companies tackle their challenges in sustainable chemistry in collaborative projects.

University of Antwerp Quinten Van Avondt
Lieve De Doncker


Imo-imomec is a research institute of Hasselt University, in collaboration with imec, where chemists, physicists and engineers conduct multidisciplinary materials research. We focus on advanced material systems for a sustainable and healthy society. Our core domains are energy conversion, energy storage, sustainable materials, sensors, healthcare materials and quantum technologies.

Hasselt University Lieve De Doncker
Nele Ameloot


The valorization consortium BioMolecules comprises 25 research groups focused on industrial biotechnology. These groups utilize microorganisms as mini chemical factories for producing a wide range of products, with applications across various sectors including food, animal feed, platform chemicals, specialty chemicals, cosmetics, and water purification. A key role within this consortium is played by synthetic biology and biocatalysis, which are essential for developing innovative production methods. Additionally, green chemistry is a significant tool used to make these processes more sustainable and environmentally conscious.

Ghent University Nele Ameloot +32 483 44 99 68
An Van Den Bulcke

ChemTech Life Science

ChemTech Life Science is the Chemistry Business and Valorisation unit of Ghent University, also called an IOF (Industrial Research Fund) Consortium. It focuses on projects and research findings that respond to an unmet need in the market and can lead to industrial applications. ChemTech Life Science coordinates the valorization of Chemistry Technologies. It aims to be the focal point for industrial collaborations between research groups dealing with chemistry and companies that are looking for chemical expertise. In this way, ChemTech Life Science facilitates and coordinates the set up of industrial projects and manages a strategic IP portfolio and its licensing opportunities. ChemTech Life Science can be the gateway to participation in a network of high-quality R&D in various research programs at national and international level.

Ghent University An Van Den Bulcke +32 474 81 23 81
Karen Hemelsoet


Metals is the European technology center for metals R&D at Ghent University. Our expertise ranges from fundamental material research to application-driven design of large structures. We focus on durable materials and rational material use, and metals in the energy transition and electrification.

Ghent University Karen Hemelsoet +32 484 69 04 34
Steven Van Hoof


Imo-imomec is a research institute of Hasselt University, in collaboration with imec, where chemists, physicists and engineers conduct multidisciplinary materials research. We focus on advanced material systems for a sustainable and healthy society. Our core domains are energy conversion, energy storage, sustainable materials, sensors, healthcare materials and quantum technologies.

Hasselt University Steven Van Hoof
Ilse Christiaens


Reseachers within the valorisation consortium Composites focus on the mechanical performance and modelling of (fiber reinforced) polymers, polymer recycling and processing, additive manufacturing and non-destructive testing.

Ghent University Ilse Christiaens +32 487 46 97 78
Nathan De Geyter


The multidisciplinary consortium End-of-Waste at AUGent (Ghent University Association) brings together 35+ research groups within the circular bioeconomy domain, aiming to transform biomass and organic side streams into valuable resources and subsequent biobased applications via science-2-business collaborations in food, feed, water purification, (agro-)chemistry, materials and energy.

Ghent University Nathan De Geyter +32 9 264 60 16
Stijn Matthys


DuraBUILDmaterials - DBm is a network of research teams at Ghent University, that unite expertise on durable building materials and structures. The DBm knowledge and technology transfer cluster is your access gateway to the innovation, technology transfer and industrial collaboration activities of Ghent University in the field of construction and the built environment. The aim of DBm is to validate recent original research results and to facilitate knowledge transfer activities and research collaboration with industry, so to support innovation & development in the construction sector. The DBm cluster supports and actively seeks cooperation with industry.

Ghent University Stijn Matthys +32 477 65 05 21
Valentina Goftman


ChemTech coordinates the valorization of Chemistry Technologies. It aims to be the focal point for industrial collaborations between research groups dealing with chemistry and companies that are looking for chemical expertise. In this way, ChemTech facilitates and coordinates the set up of industrial projects and manages a strategic IP portfolio and its licensing opportunities.

Ghent University Valentina Goftman +32 9 264 44 21
Lieva Van Langenhove


TEX IS MORE is a valorization consortium of Ghent University Association. Our primary focus is business development to the benefit of all segments in textile industry. TEX IS MORE builds bridges between academic research and industrial applications in textiles. We create solutions for the needs of (end) users from a technology and business perspective. TEX IS MORE is a catalyst for textile innovations that benefit humans, animals and nature.

Ghent University Lieva Van Langenhove
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